Payment Information

Payment Methods Accepted:

Our online shopping cart feature is configured to accept payments via PayPal; with PayPal, you can pay for your order using Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express, and your transaction is processed through a secure server. The shopping cart's checkout function currently will only support PayPal payments and not other methods; however, we do have some other payment options available, as follows:

We accept payment by check or money order to:
Blue Jeans Cable
3216 16th Ave W
Seattle WA 98119

Also, we can process orders on a major credit card directly, without using PayPal; at the checkout point, you can select "mail in payment," and print out your order and send it in with a check or fax it to us, together with your credit card information (see our order form) and attaching a printout of your shopping cart contents. Our fax number is (206) 284-2931.